Ingeo News: July 2021

NatureWorks Welcomes PGA Tour Winner, Brendon Todd, as First Golf Ambassador

Capsule Companies Crank It Up: STiR Magazine

NatureWorks is an Official Sustainability Partner of the 2021 3M Open

Tackling Waste with a Holistic Approach

NEW: Target Organics Hub
The US Composting Council introduced the Target Organics Hub to Help Communities Build Infrastructure - a site full of resources to help communities plan, attract, open and run compost facilities, and market the compost that is produced as well as add to or improve existing composting and organics processing. NatureWorks was proud to contribute to this great new effort as members of the Corporate Compost Leadership Council.
3D Printing
Food Serviceware
Novolex Announces New Manufacturing Line
Recently, Novolex, announced the addition of a new manufacturing line in Chattanooga, TN to produce Eco-Products industrially compostable cups made from plant based PLA. The cups are BPI-certified for compostability and compost made from the cups and other compostable materials can be used as soil amendment by gardeners, landscapers, and commercial growers to help new plants grow. Read more in Plastics Today.
- Compostable Products Primer for Compost Manufacturers, BioCycle
The Velaskello project promotes recycling using 3D printing, 3D Natives
Thailand PLA Plant Makes Progress, Plastics in Packaging