Ingeo News: Vol 15, Iss 5
June 2020
Field Testing Shows Ingeo Coffee Capsules Pass EU Standard for Disintegration in Composting
Covim produces compostable coffee capsules with Ingeo
Understanding the Value and Boundaries of Life Cycle Analysis
International Compost Awareness Week Emphasizes the Positive Impact Compost has on Soil Health
The annual celebration of International Compost Awareness Week (ICAW) was May 3-9, 2020. ICAW is the largest and most comprehensive education initiative of the compost industry and this year was the 25th anniversary of the event. This year's event was a good opportunity to share the important impacts of organics recycling and compost can have, as well as how compostable packaging can contribute to those impacts.
Highlighting how compostable products can fit into existing compost infrastructure, we shared the recent composting study by Wageningen University & Research in which they found that the compostable products made of polylactic acid (PLA) disintegrated faster than other items in compost such as orange peels or paper, and couldn't be recovered even after one composting cycle of 11 days.
We also shared a take on the Drawdown Review called "Project Drawdown for Composters" from US Composting Council in which they point out that how the Drawdown researchers lay out 2 ambitious scenarios to achieve their emission reduction goals if all solutions are applied globally. Among the list of key climate solutions are bioplastics and composting, which include impacts such as:
Read more on the NatureWorks Composting page here.
- SNW webinar explores the new golden fleece of fabrics, Sustainable Nonwovens
- Covid-19: The Textile Industry Responds to PPE Shortage, Textile World
- New Spunbond Nonwoven Technology to Fight COVID-19, WTiN
- How do organics get recycled in Minnesota and how good are we at it?, Star Tribune
- No alternatives to synthetics and single-use in the fight against COVID-19, International Fiber Journal
- Ingeo News vol. 15, Iss 4