Comparative LCA & Eco-Efficiency Analysis of 4 Types of Drinking Cups
UPDATE: Since this study was completed in February 2006, we at NatureWorks have improved the production process for Ingeo. This results in less greenhouse gases and fossil energy use that is now more closely aligned with the PLA Future scenario reflected in the study below.
In order to outline a well-founded waste management policy for the use of drinking cups at events, OVAM, the Public Waste Agency for the Flemish Region in Belgium, commissioned VITO, the Flemish Institute for Technological Research, to study the current environmental impacts and the costs related to existing systems for drinking cups on small-scale indoor and large-scale outdoor events in Flanders, Belgium.
The two-phased study consists of a comparative life cycle analysis (LCA) comparing the environmental impacts of four existing cup systems and an eco-efficiency analysis in which the total life-cycle costs of the different cup systems are inventoried and related to the environmental aspects.
The study compares re-usable polycarbonate (PC) cups with one-way polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE)-coated cardboard, and Ingeo (PLA) cups. The basis for the comparison is defined as the recipients needed for serving 100 liter beer or soft drinks at a small-scale indoor event (2000-5000 visitors) or a large-scale outdoor event (>30,000 visitors).
This definition includes the production of the cups, the consumption phase (at the event) and the processing of the waste. The four cup systems were compared in four basic scenarios, along with a sensitivity analysis to examine the trip rate in the case of reusable PC cups, as well as the PLA Future scenario.
- PLA5: Equivalent to the current Ingeo 2005 scenario in our eco-profile.
- PLA Future: Includes the new process technology reflected in Ingeo 2009 CIT, but also includes a few other assumptions. Please see the full report for more details.
- Relative Contribution %: Cups with the highest contribution to a particular environmental effect (fossil fuel use, etc) are indicated with a 100% bar. Cups with lower environmental contributions are expressed as a % of the highest contribution value.
Results: Comparing Cup Use at a Large Event
Results: Comparing Cup Use at a Small Event
Full reports:
Comparative LCA of 4 types of drinking cups used at events
Eco-efficiency analysis of 4 types of drinking cups used at events
Additional summaries:
Executive summary of both the comparative LCA and eco-efficiency analysis
Summary presentation of both the comparative LCA and eco-efficiency analysis
Selection of LCA settings for the four basic scenarios and the next generation of PLA.
Parameter | PC Basic | PP Basic | PE-coated Cardboard |
PLA5 Basic |
PLA Future |
Cup weight (g) | 45 | 5 | 7.7 | 6.5 | 5.5 |
Pellet Production Data | PlasticsEurope | PlasticsEurope | PlasticsEurope | NatureWorks per May 2005 | NatureWorks per May 2005 |
EOL Small Scale | 100% incineration | 100% incineration | 100% incineration |
50% incineration |
50% incineration |
EOL Large Scale | 100% incineration |
50% incineration |
50% incineration 50% cement kiln |
50% incineration 50% composting |
90% anaerobic |
Pellet Production Location | Europe | Europe | Europe | USA | Europe |
Number of Trips small scale / large scale |
45 / 20 |
n/a |
n/a | n/a | n/a |